Frequently Asked Questions


Why is terrorism coverage limited to €1 billion for ASBL/VZW TRIP members?

Since 9/11, it has become clear that terrorism can have consequences so huge as to be incalculable. First of all, obviously, for the victims and their relatives, friends, colleagues, etc.. However, terrorism can also cause immense economic damage, much of which is borne by insurance companies.
No one knows how often terrorist acts will occur and what the consequences will be. As a result, insurers incur great financial risks by offering coverage against terrorism. Only by jointly bearing the cost of compensation and limiting the compensation paid out are insurers able to continue providing such coverage.

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ASBL/VZW TRIP - Terrorism Reinsurance & Insurance Pool
Koning Albert II-laan 19 / Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19 - 1210 Brussels - Belgium
Privacy Notice TRIP - March 2020