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Information for insured parties
Law of 1 April 2007
Frequently Asked Questions
List of members
Information for brokers
Frequently Asked Questions
Can companies continue to benefit from TRIP coverage if the company is the subject of an acquisition or merger?
What is terrorism?
Which types of insurance cover injury/damage caused by terrorism ?
Does my travel-assistance policy include coverage for terrorism?
Am I insured against terrorism when I use the train or underground ?
If I incur injury or damage caused by terrorism, but have no insurance providing enough compensation, will my injury/damage be compensated?
When will coverage for terrorism become mandatory ?
Terrorism is not mentioned anywhere in my general terms and conditions. Do I have terrorism coverage?
Can certain claims still be excluded from terrorism coverage?
Will the general terms and conditions of insurance policies be changed ?
What do I need to do?
The law applies only to Belgian risks. What is a Belgian risk ?
If, during a holiday or business trip overseas, I incur injury/damage caused by terrorism, am I covered for this injury/damage ?
I read somewhere that coverage of injury/damage caused by terrorism is limited to €1 billion . Is this true?
Which insurance companies are members of ASBL/VZW TRIP?
My insurer is not included in the list of members of ASBL/VZW TRIP. What does this mean?
Why are insurance companies able to choose whether or not to join ASBL/VZW TRIP?
Why is terrorism coverage limited to €1 billion for ASBL/VZW TRIP members?
How is the €1-billion compensation fund constituted?
FIXING THE COMPENSATION (only applicable if your insurer is a member of TRIP)
What is a percentage of compensation?
How is the percentage of compensation calculated?
What if the total amount of the injury/damage incurred during a calendar year is less than €1 billion?
What if the total amount of the injury/damage incurred during a calendar year exceeds €1 billion?
Can a percentage of compensation be changed?
When does the percentage of compensation become final?
Is compensation for certain types of injury/damage given priority?
Can my insurance company pay out more compensation than the mandatory percentage?
Can my insurance company pay out less compensation than the mandatory percentage?
I invested my savings in a life-insurance policy or an investment-insurance policy. If the percentage of compensation means that I am not fully compensated, do I lose my savings?
Is it true that the percentage of compensation is not applied to workmen’s compensation insurance?
When will the €1 billion coverage of terrorism and the specific compensation system begin to apply?
How long can it take for beneficiaries to receive their compensation in full or in part?
Who will be paying the compensation?
If I incur injury/damage caused by terrorism, who is my contact person?
How is claim compensation paid out?
What is the Committee?
Where can I find the law on which the system of insurance against terrorism is based?
ASBL/VZW TRIP - Terrorism Reinsurance & Insurance Pool
Koning Albert II-laan 19 / Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19 - 1210 Brussels - Belgium
Privacy Notice TRIP - March 2020