Frequently Asked Questions

FIXING THE COMPENSATION (only applicable if your insurer is a member of TRIP)

Can my insurance company pay out less compensation than the mandatory percentage?


However, there is one specific exception to this rule: in the case of insurance policies relating to damage caused to real estate and/or its contents, or to injury/damage subsequent to damage caused to real estate and/or its contents, the amount of compensation is limited to €75 million. This limitation applies per policyholder, per site insured and per year, whatever the number of insurance policies.
However, this exception does not apply to buildings intended for housing purposes.  In this case, the insurer must pay the percentage of compensation in full.

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ASBL/VZW TRIP - Terrorism Reinsurance & Insurance Pool
Koning Albert II-laan 19 / Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19 - 1210 Brussels - Belgium
Privacy Notice TRIP - March 2020