Frequently Asked Questions

FIXING THE COMPENSATION (only applicable if your insurer is a member of TRIP)

What if the total amount of the injury/damage incurred during a calendar year is less than €1 billion?

If the total amount of the claims for injury/damage incurred during a calendar year is less than €1 billion, the full amount of compensation can be paid for all claims. You are then entitled to the full amount of what you would be paid for other injury/damage not caused by terrorism.
If it is not certain whether or not other claims will be filed, or if there is a genuine risk that further attacks will occur during the same calendar year, a percentage of compensation of less than 100% will be set provisionally. If, at a later date, the total amount of the claims is lower than expected and remains below €1 billion, the percentage of compensation will be raised to 100% and the insurers will pay out complementary compensation.

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ASBL/VZW TRIP - Terrorism Reinsurance & Insurance Pool
Koning Albert II-laan 19 / Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19 - 1210 Brussels - Belgium
Privacy Notice TRIP - March 2020