Frequently Asked Questions


If I incur injury or damage caused by terrorism, but have no insurance providing enough compensation, will my injury/damage be compensated?

Victims of deliberate acts of violence may receive financial assistance from the Victims of Intentional Acts of Violence Fund if they do not obtain sufficient compensation from the perpetrator, social security or a private insurer. This also applies to the victims of terrorism. Normally, the assistance granted by the Fund is limited to 125,000 euro. However, the government, by Royal Decree, may raise this maximum amount and provide for a simplified procedure for obtaining this assistance.

An advance payment may be granted in case of emergency. Urgency is presumed in the event of terrorism. Additional aid may also be obtained where, after the financial assistance has been granted, the injury/damage has clearly worsened.

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ASBL/VZW TRIP - Terrorism Reinsurance & Insurance Pool
Koning Albert II-laan 19 / Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19 - 1210 Brussels - Belgium
Privacy Notice TRIP - March 2020